
hello 🖐️ I am


Just a cool guy with programming 💻, artistic ✏️ and logical 🚀 skills

profile astronot and my face

Who am I


I am a DevOps Engineer

I am a DevOps Engineer in TCS. Currently, we are working as a platform development and support team for a software delivery automation platform for HSBC called "HSBC Application Release Orchestration". Part of my job is to work with different DevOps tools like Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible, and Github with the Google Cloud platform.


I am a React Developer

I work on Reactjs side projects in my free time. Web development has always fascinated me thus I learned Reactjs, HTML, CSS & Javascript. While learning and practicing Reactjs, I learned a lot of new tricks and resources in front-end technologies.


I am a Mentor/Teacher for college/school students

I mentor and teach students. Guide them and motivate them to move in the right direction, help them overcome their hurdles, suggest tricks to study and achieve their targets, and provide relevant resources.


I am an Artist

I am good at String Art. All the artwork that I do is based on geometry and calculations, I do not possess any talent for Art. I like to do creative things, so whenever I have time I try to do something creative, either in my work or with the skills I have. Programming is also one of my favorite artworks.



There is nothing on earth you cannot have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.


Universe has a lot to offer, if we are humble we can have it all.

Loknath Singh

Systems Engineer @ TCS

Hi I am Loknath

Engineer Freelancer Mentor Artist

I’m an enthusiast developer based in Indore, India. I help people to make this world a better place. I work as a DevOps engineer at TCS.

What's more, I am a cheerful, fun-loving, and sincere person trying to do good wherever I go.



Gmail clone

Made with React.js, Redux and Firebase

Gmail clone application that can send and receive emails to the user of the application, providing features to mark them star, important, spam, and to delete them.


Amazon Clone

Made with React.js and Firebase

An e-commerce application, where users can sign in and choose the item they want to purchase, add items to the cart, modify cart items, place the order and finally track their order details.


Quotes Gallery

Made with React.js and Google Spreadsheet

It's a website to store and display quotes based on their categories and people can add their favorite quotes directly on the live site. For the database, I have used Google Spreadsheet to store the quotes in an excel format.


some of my string art

students Feedback

Bharti Jaiswal linkedin

Associate Software Engineer @ Impetus

I really appreciate the way he guides his juniors who are struggling during their crucial times, he never makes us feel like he is senior to us because of his friendly nature and the way he motivates..... and showed confidence towards us. When I started doubting myself all his motivation and guidance helped me a lot and now I am placed in Impetus, it was him who believed in me. He is a great mentor who is always ready to listen and provide recommendations and support whenever needed.

Bhumika Buchke linkedin

Associate Engineer @ Wipro

He has been my mentor throughout my 4th year and has guided me for placement exams and the job interview processes. His advice and guidance have helped me to get a good job and actually get over my fear of coding..... and give it a try. He also worked along with me to build a habit and develop new skills and work regularly which proved useful and I was able to utilize my time in learning. He is a really good mentor and invests his time personally in helping others and guiding them throughout. We can reach out to him whenever we need help and he makes sure to make time and help us in any situation.

Amit Yadav linkedin

Btech @ MIT Indore

If describing him, “The more I say the less it is”. He has helped me a lot and guided me in such an impressive way that I aspire to be a good person like him. He selflessly helped us, taught us, and dedicated his time without asking for anything in return...... If now I am able to clear any coding round in any hiring process it's because of his guidance. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be able to learn and practice important coding concepts. He is next to great. 😊😊

Harshali Bansal linkedin

Assistant System Engineer-Trainee @ TCS

He supports us and also guides us in an excellent way that fuels an individual with inspiration. Not only me, but he helps everyone who asks for his guidance, and support...... He emphasizes on “if you put effort and try, you will succeed” this always stays with me because I believe until and unless we are not actually making efforts and expecting results is wrong. He suggests making consistency a key part of our life.

Akshat Soni linkedin

BTech @ TIT Bhopal

He gives a very positive and energetic vibe. Whenever I meet him, I get filled with more zeal and I get fueled to work hard on my goals. He provided me with very resourceful insights into the IT field which had I searched myself..... I would not be able to find since I won’t be able to think like that. I wanted to learn web development but I didn't know how to start and then he himself approached me, gathered students like me who wanted to learn something, and created a group. We started to support each other and it was a fantastic journey. I learned Frontend development, whenever I got stuck, he supported and guided me, his and everyone else’s appreciation in that group boosted me to do more. I also had some personal projects on which he has motivated me a lot and helped me without any benefit to himself. We should learn from him how to selflessly serve others.

Vishal Patidar linkedin

BTech @ SVVV Indore

He always helped me in understanding my potential better and taught me many good life lessons which helped me to solve many problems. He gives time for his juniors and colleagues to grow and learn...... “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” Many many good wishes to you and thank you for always being there for us and guiding us :)

Gouransh Thakur linkedin

BTech @ SVVV Indore

He is more like a elder brother. He is very positive and he guides properly. He used to take daily classes for us. He himself does the hard work and motivates us to do so. And he doesn't charge for any of these things. Whenever we talk to him we always feel positive and motivated.

Yash Vardhan Singh Chouhan linkedin

BTech @ SVVV Indore

A good mentor can change everything. I’d like to thank him for all his help and for giving us tips to clear the technical round and Hr round. We feel blessed to have someone like him who inspire us and motivate us to do better in life.

Rohan Khera linkedin

Junior Software Engineer at Livegage

He has played a major role in our placements. Every time I felt unsure of what to do and what future lies ahead of me, meeting up with him, and talking to him felt really nice...... Even when we were not able to believe in ourselves, he provided us with the needed confidence. From how to prepare ourselves, giving interview tips, to the coding sessions after coaching with you proved a lot helpful in our placements. From regular coding practice to managing everything at the start of our placement activities and giving individual attention to every single mentee, he managed it all alongside his job by making time for us, for that, I’d like to thank him wholeheartedly. He guided us like an elder brother and whenever we needed his help, he was always ready for helping and supporting us. I’d like to thank him again wholeheartedly.

Rishabh Raghuvanshi linkedin

BTech @ SKITM Indore

Loknath bhaiya, it's not just a name for me, he is my constant source of motivation. It's because of his guidance and support I had a wonderful journey of learning DSA...... Whenever I think of quitting or get stuck in a situation he guides me on the right path. You are doing great work bhaiya, keep it up.

Adeetee Kekre linkedin

BTech @ SVVV Indore

I’d like to thank him for always motivating us to dig into ourselves to find the real gem present within us. He has a great passion for mentoring, supporting, and helping others further..... develop themselves. He always pushed us to take that first step toward our fear and to boost our confidence to face them.

Mansi Tiwari linkedin

Systems Engineer @ TCS

He is an excellent java programmer. He has helped me and many of my friends throughout our placement processes. He’s very helpful, dedicated, and kind when it comes to helping others to grow and brighten their career.

Aman Gupta linkedin

BTech @ SVVV Indore

Loknath Bhaiya has helped me to cross various hurdles. He helped me clear my doubts, improve my coding skills, most importantly he made me understand the value of consistency in life.

Aayushi Hedaoo linkedin

BTech @ SVVV Indore

I remember he used to take google meets just to motivate us and lead us to the right path with the his ongoing training he used to manage time for us as well. He helped a lot in our initial..... days of placement preparation, when we don't know exactly where to start and how to start, he was there to guide us through everything.. His hardwork in each direction has really given him worthy results. I’d like to thank him wholeheartedly for his guidance and motivation.

Raja Khan linkedin

Enterprise Java Developer @ HOTWAX

I was extremely benefited from his guidance. He is a very nice person and has a very helpful nature. He not only provides the right guidance to students but also provides them with confidence in how to deal with different situations in life. I was... depressed, I failed in 2-3 interviews and I was not able to face the interviews. Then we met him and, he politely answered all my and my friend's doubts and issues. I was in dire need of his support so I went to meet him, he asked me to take 20 minutes every day at a fixed time and study daily at that time, without any excuses, be it the end of the world, no matter the circumstances, and to send a picture as proof of work. Then, I honestly started, and because of that 20-minutes task that continued for 2 months, I was able to revise all the programming concepts. That 20-minute task changed my life, I achieved a new level of confidence and cracked placement in 4 to 5 companies. This all happened because of him and I am at a very satisfactory package. I would like to suggest that those who want to ask him for his help, please be sure of being honest about your goals, because he really put his valuable time and effort into the students.

Yasha Mishra linkedin

Assistant System Engineer-Trainee @ TCS

He literally helped me in my hard times not only related to my studies but also with my tough circumstances, he encouraged me to fight through those tough times and to move and face those challenges with confidence and courage.... He used to give time to us individually so that we can make progress and can move forward with all our positive energy. He always says that we should aim high not average as if we dream High will achieve high😊 He gave us the best advice regarding placements and also filtered the study materials, and suggested so many resources so that we can practice coding questions to solve the main problems in placement papers. He started a habit program so that we can study for at least 30 mins a day to maintain consistency due to which l improved my daily study practice, my focus was improved day by day, and l maximized the time of my studies. Today l am placed in TCS and Wipro and l want to thank Loknath sir as he was there for all his juniors to guide and support with all his ways. He is truly a real mentor and l am really blessed to have such a mentor in my life. Thank you so much sir for always helping us🤗

Lakshit Singh Zala linkedin

Specialist Programmer @ Infosys

He is an honest person, he help students likes me in career related doubts and he is always available for us when we have any doubt/query.

Amit Jha linkedin

Associate Software Engineer @ Wipro

He has been consistently motivating me for my placements. He also shares his personal experiences with me to keep me encouraged, he also helps me with my doubts.

Aakash Jain linkedin

Associate Software Engineer @ Diaspark Inc

He always says one line only "everything is possible, the only key is hard work and consistency", and there's a lot to say in his positives but the more I say the less it is for such a personality. 😊 ... It was the time when everyone was so tense about placement including me because the final year was going on then one hand came which showed the path and the confidence that yes everything is possible and I can also achieve whatever I want, that hand was of none other than "Loknath Singh". At last, hearty thank you for everything.

Dwarka Soni linkedin

Intern @ Ksolves

He gave me the confidence I lack to crack placements, he taught me how to approach programming questions. I was too nervous before the interviews but when I called him, he motivated... me and explained me how to face the interview and how to deal with tricky interview questions. He has given a lot of time and has put a lot effort on me. I thank him for everything, he is too precious and important person to me.😊